Trailer: Tales of Morterra

Tales of Morterra is an actual play podcast set in the homebrewed 5e setting of Morterra, DMed and worldbuilt by Mod Paper

Episode one releases on the 15th of June

#65 – Angel Hell, Secret GM Weaknesses, and Super Saiyan Pope

Finally, the episode that will get us excommunicated

#64 – Dire Humans, Fundy Cats, and Bone Vampires

We find the one problem where the solution could be either homebrew or violence

cw body horror

#63 – Greasy Boys, Set Dildos to Kill, and Tummy Rocks

It's time for magrocracies as thinly-veiled metaphors! And also horniness

#62 – Pie Russian Roulette, Skin Swapping, and King Jail

How many D10s to throw a pie in World of Darkness?

#60 – The Night of No Tomorrow

Where we grapple with the finer points of 80s storytelling